Saturday, August 31, 2013

Exciting News

     We have a new student joining us next week.   I bet he's excited to make some new friends, maybe even a little bit nervous.  He's going to LOVE the Wyman School.  Let's be sure to show him the ropes on Thursday.  Remember it will ALL be new to him.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I thought you would enjoy some pictures of YOUR second grade classroom. 



Tuesday, August 20, 2013


     Hi to all my new and incoming second graders AND also to my faithful followers from last year.  I've got school on my mind!!! Where did the summer go?  It has certainly raced by to fast.  I've been super busy this summer.  I've spent tons of time preparing for the upcoming school year.  It's is going to ROCK!  I've also have done some super fun things.  Today may have been my funnest day EVER.  I bet most of you know I'm a RED SOX fan.  Well, today Derek, Jason and I were invited to play softball IN FENWAY PARK!!!!  Kaycie, my daughter, asked us to join her and her company, WB Mason, for a game, tour and luncheon.

     We all made some great hits and super sweet plays in the field.  Afterwards, we went to the Swan Boats, another one of my favorite things to do.  Remember when you went there on a field trip last year?  The ducks are no longer wearing their Bruins shirts.  I really wish I got to see that. 

     If you haven't gotten your school supplies,don't worry.  There is still plenty of time.  Here is a supply list. ***please note:  I cannot place my hands on a copy of the actual list that we sent home in the report cards.  This is pretty much what was on it but there MAY be a variation.  Please don't worry if you are noticing the difference.  I have extras of everything we need. 
         24 pack of crayons
Fiskar child sized scissors
Elmers glue sticks (4)
8 or 10 pack of markers, basic colors
pencil sharpener
24 pack of  No. 2 pencils
pack of colored pencils
red or green correcting pens (3)
pink pencil eraser
plain colored pocket folders – 1 blue,1 green, 1 yellow
one pocket folder of your choice (This one can have pictures on it.)
1 composition notebook
1 pencil box that will fit in their desk to keep these supplies in
                2 or 3 highlighters
          1 roll of paper towels
          1 box of tissues
          1 box gallon size ziploc bags

     Parents, I hope you choose to follow my little blog by signing up for email notifications on the side of this page.  When you do, you will receive an email from feedburner asking you to confirm your subscription.  You can also choose to follow me on twitter.  You will get a tweet each time I update this page.  
     Stay posted.  I'll have more posts (and pictures) to share before school starts.