Tuesday, July 29, 2014


     Hi!   I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  We should have some new followers, families from our upcoming second grade class.  I welcome you and hope that you click follow me by email to sign up to receive an email each time I update this blog.  That way you won't miss a thing.  I post about  happenings in class so when your child comes home and you ask "What did you do in school today?"  and they reply "nothing", you have some conversation starters and you'll be kept in the loop.

     This is what our classroom looked like on the last day of school.


     Today I went in and started to get our room ready for September.  I moved some furniture, set up some desks and even started a bulletin board.  There is still a longgggg way to go and I promise to post some pictures when it's closer to finished.  I also gathered some books from the school guided reading library to spruce up some of my lessons this year.  The guided reading library is loaded with multiple copies of lots of different titles so throughout the year we can have various book groups going.  This is just a sample of some that I plan to review.

     I've had a wonderful summer so far and I certainly hope that continues.  Here are some pictures of my adventures.
monster truck

Maine beach

Fenway Park with family and friends

Ice cream in Vermont YUMMY!
Hot air balloon festival

      I saw this sign on the way to Vermont!  I was so excited and REALLY wanted to see a bear but no luck.  Maybe next time.