Monday, June 15, 2015

Quick Update

     Hi everyone!  It's been so long and I've really missed blogging.  Current teacher contract negotiation actions have made it impossible to find time, within the work day, to blog.  I was determined though and have finally squeezed in this little note.
     There has been so much going on these last few weeks.  All of the city wide mandated testing is complete....phew.  Talk about no fun.  Now we are wrapping up second grade and thinking about SUMMER.  YIPPEE.  I absolutely love my job but, to be honest, I love NOT working even more.  Who wouldn't?
     This Friday is field day!  Super fun.....for the kids. ;)  We will walk to the Kennedy at 9ish and be back before lunch.  Be sure to have your child wear his/her green Wyman shirt, a hat and sunscreen for sun protection.  Hopefully the weather will be perfect.
    In case you haven't heard through the rumor mill.  There will only be one second grade next year.  The current first grade has only enough students for one class therefore only one class will be needed as they move up years.  I have been "demoted" to first grade-haha.  I'm really looking forward to the change. I have taught first grade before so I TOTALLY got this.
     Friday, June 26th is the last day.  Dismissal will be at 12:00.  In case I don't get back here before then, I wish you all a FANTASTIC summer and best of luck in life.  You know where to find me if you ever need me!  xoxo