Sunday, November 20, 2016

Thanksgiving Feast

     Monday, the second graders will be having a Thanksgiving feast.  We will make Pilgrim hats or Native American headdresses, bake cornbread and celebrate all we are thankful for with Ms. Cotter's class.  It's going to be crazy fun and everyone is looking forward to it.

     This week, we spent quite some time working on narrative writing.  Students learned about small moment, seed stories, and applied it to their  writing. They brainstormed ideas, created an organizer for their story, and wrote.  Students then revised their stories to ensure it had a bold beginning.  They revised, yet again, adding transition words.  Our stories look great.

     Our mentor text this week was Turk and Runt.  Runt is a smart little turkey who saves his family.

     Some Halloween pictures have been added to edline.  Go check them out if you haven't yet.

     I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday filled with food, fun and family!


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Wally for President

     This week we went through the election process.  After reading Grace for President, we decided to have our own election.  First, our class split into two.  Each group nominated a candidate for President at a convention.  The "closet" group nominated Teddy, the Red Sox bear and the "rug" group nominated Wally the Green Monster.  The two candidates then had a debate.  Wally wanted there to be more gym in school and longer school days.  Teddy wanted to keep the school day the same but add more art.  Students made campaign posters for their candidate of choice.  After Friday's election, we have a clear winner.  Wally won with 14 votes, while Teddy only got 4.  We also wrote about what we'd do as President.  Hope you liked the campaign buttons we made summarizing, Grace for President.

     We also read the Rough-Faced Girl, one of my FAVORITES, and Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters.  They are Native American and African versions of Cinderella.  We used these stories to practice our comparing/contrasting skills and adjectives.

     In math we have been working on addition with regrouping and place value.  I think we are getting the hang of it but have our work cut out for us.

     Halloween was a HUGE success.  We shared stories, paraded, partied and had FUN. Students should use this weekend to recover from all the excitement, and SUGAR they've had.

     Reminder, no school Tues. Nov. 8th for Election Day and Friday Nov. 11th for Veteran's Day.