Sunday, April 30, 2017

Math Fun

     Monday we were lucky to have Ms. Jannergren visit our class.  In honor of Autism Awareness Month, Ms. J had us made a puzzle peace full of things that make us unique and special.  She is going to combine them with pieces made by other classes and display them.  I cannot wait to see the finished product.

      We have been reading Miss Rumphius.  It's a wonderful story.  In it, Alice has three goals and she accomplishes them all.  Be sure to ask what those goals were.  Students made their own lupine multiplication word problems.  AWESOME!!

     We also read Salt in His Shoes.  It is a biography about Michael Jordan, written by his mother and sister.  After reading this story, we could clearly tell Michael has a very supportive family.  Are you wondering where that title came from?  Ask your child.

     Ms. O'Donohue, the district math specialist, brought a fun morning of Computation Celebration to second grade on Thursday.  SUPER FUN!  Be sure to check Twitter to see some pictures of the day.  The cafeteria was FULL of math stations.  We rotated around, playing.  Some were easier than others.  Be sure to ask which ones were your students favorite. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Happy Vacation

     I hope everyone is enjoying their April vacation.  I haven't done anything super exciting but am still enjoying every bit of it.

     I have been doing a little planning this week and have lots of fun things in store.  We already did a baseball reading unit which included some Jackie Robinson.  So, I think we will try out a little basketball, featuring Michael Jordan.  I'm also thinking POETRY.  We will read it, write it, share it and have lots of fun doing so.  

     I can't wait to hear what everyone has been doing this week.  See you Monday!