Saturday, January 19, 2019

Happy New Year

     The last few months flew by like a blur.  Our class is back into a "routine" after a crazy holiday season.  This week we finished reading about Flat's Stanley's African adventure and have been reading Tacky the Penguin books.  I LOVE Tacky.   He's "an odd bird but a good bird to have around'.  Tacky is quite different from his companions and he always seems to save the day.  We have more Tacky stories in store for next week and this will lead right into our nonfiction reading and writing about penguins.

     Next week we will be studying Martin Luther King, Jr.  Mrs. Comeiro started us off this week by reading a story about Ruby Bridges to the class.  If you don't know who Ruby Bridges is, ask your student.  Be sure to also ask why I have Mrs. Comeiro read that story instead of me.

     In science we have been learning about weathering, erosion and deposition for the past few week.  We will wrap up this topic next week.

     Math lessons are moving smoothly.  This month I have been teaching my LEAST favorite things in all of second grade, time and money.  We have finished time, although we will continue to review, and are focusing on money.  PLEASE, PLEASE,  PLEASE support your child at home.  Have him/her identify, sort, and count the change in your pockets each day.  Be sure your child can count by 5's, 10's, and 25's.  Children don't have much real world experience with money in this day in age. Success will be difficult without your help and PRACTICE at home.