Monday, March 11, 2013


     Well not exactly spring but this warm weather sure does seem spring like.  Nothing at all like last Friday's storm, which took me by surprise.  I know they predicted some snow but when I went to bed and no snow was sticking I assumed the weathermen were wrong AGAIN.  I was shocked when I woke up.  It was a good thing school was cancelled BUT I really don't want to go until the last week in JUNE (whine, whine, whine).

     We had the BEST enrichment program at school today.  An artist came and he was UNBELIEVABLE.  His name was Rob Surette.  He's been on TV quite a bit.  He painted giant portraits of Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa and Albert Einstein in minutes.  It was really quite remarkable.  He was also encouraging the children to DREAM BIG.  I just love that and I loved him.  Super enjoyable. Click here to visit his website.

     We visited this website in the computer lab today.  Keep on practicing your money counting.

     Our pen pal letters are finished and ready to be sent.  I hope they write back soon.

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