Monday, February 24, 2014

Super Proud

     I am super proud of the class today and you should all pat yourselves for raising such wonderful children.  Our new student started today and EVERYONE went out of their way to be friendly and welcoming.  I don't doubt for a minute that she went home bragging about how wonderful her classmates are.  It really was heartwarming and a joy to see.  Kudos to you and your child.

     We wrote today about something we did during our vacation.  It seems everyone had a blast.  More importantly, our writing was FANTASTIC.  The students had bold beginnings, juicy details and vivid verbs.  I was IMPRESSED.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Vacation

     I just wanted to wish everyone a happy vacation and post the latest USA Olympic medal count.  We have been charting all week and I was excited to learn we are now tied for first place and knew the children would be to.  I also know we have a lot of hockey fans in our class, me NOT being one of them, but I watched the end of the USA/Russia men's game and it was EXCITING! I may be changing my ways.  Click here to see the latest medal totals.

     Want to jump ahead this vacation? We will be starting our animal habitat dioramas after vacation.  You'll need a shoebox and an animal to research.  Feel free to start thinking about it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Crazy Week

     Valentine's Day, President's Day, 100th Day of School and wrapping up all loose ends before vacation is wayyyyyyyyyyy to much to handle in the same week.  We are rocking it though.  "Busy, busy, busy" is what I say almost every morning and this week will be no exception.  We have NO TIME for a snow day, so let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't have one.

      We started reading about Abe Lincoln.  Everyone seems to be interested in learning about our 16th president.  I have to apologize to George.  I'm  not sure he's going to get the same attention Abe is getting but at least some of the student will be reading about George tomorrow.

     Many students have had a chance to read Franny K. Stein.  A silly chapter book about a young mad scientists who wants to make friends and discovers that classmates will like her for who she.  She realizes she doesn't have to pretend to be someone else.  Saving the school with her lunch-meat monster may have helped a little.

     We made heart "pockets" for our valentines.  What's more exciting than the prospect of getting and giving Valentines?  Not much I say.  We can fill them up with our cards on Friday.  Remember to pack a special party snack for our Valentine's celebration.

      I hope we have time to read one of my favorite's  Froggy's First Kiss.  There are a ton of Froggy books and I just love them all.

Could this be Froggy???????

Friday, February 7, 2014

Money Money Money

     I have a love/hate relationship with money.  Of course, I love when my pockets are full and hate when they are a bit thin.  But more so, I HATE teaching it.  HATE HATE HATE.  It's a skill that students need to have real life experiences with or they have the hardest time picking it up in class.  By second grade, your child should be able to easily identify each coin and know it's value.  If you child isn't quite there yet, PLEASE practice at home.  We are starting to count up coins in class.  Have your child play with money at home.  Empty out their piggy banks and see how many different ways they can make $1.00.  They need real, hands on money experiences to really understand and be successful.  (I will be writing exactly the same thing shortly with telling time-PRACTICE AT HOME). has second grade money practice online available to your student.

     We have been studying penguins all week.  I've been calling it Penguinpalooza.  It's been lots of fun.

     My mom, Kaycie and I went out last night for a girls night.  We went to dinner in the Seaport district, Salvatore's, YUM, and then PAINT NITE in the restaurant.   SOO FUN.  Keep in mind, I have not one lick of art talent, so I'm super impressed by how great my picture came out.