Tuesday, May 27, 2014


     Today the children had to write persuasive letters convincing me to stop homework packets for the year.  We had some very convincing arguments as to why it should end.  My favorite was, "you need a break from all the correcting".  That was an excellent point.  We shared letters and voted if each one was good enough to end packets.  Everyone's letter was convincing enough.  I reminded the students that DOES NOT mean there is no homework.  They are still expected to complete xtramath four times a week, unless they already completed subtraction.  They must also read every night.

     Thursday is litterless lunch day.  Let's all pitch in to help the environment by packing reusable water bottles, tupperware and lunch boxes.

     If you have not returned your child's field day permission slip, please do so ASAP.  Field day will be June 18, which will be here in a flash.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


     There are so many exciting things going on in class, I just don't know where to begin.  Not one, but TWO students completed subtraction in xtramath TODAY.  Whoo hoo!  They were both so proud of themselves, as they should be.

     We started presenting our famous person projects and they have been fantastic.  I'll post pictures to edline this weekend, so watch for that.

     The school Memorial Day program is this Friday at 9.  I'll tell you this, BRING TISSUES!  One second grade song is sung beautifully and is a real tear jerker.  The other will make you want to jump out of your seat and clap along.

     Muggie Maggie is finished.  She was finally tricked into learning cursive.  Teachers can be so clever.  We are now reading about octopuses and Sue.  Did you know Sue's head is the size of a refrigerator?  It's true.

     Math word problems continue to be the nemesis of some students.  The good news is that I'm seeing great improvement.  Let's keep that up.

     We've been using GoNoodle in class.  It's a free website with classroom brain breaks.  There are videos to wake us up and others to calm us down.  I'm thinking we will be needing more of the calming videos in the weeks to come.  The children are loving it.

     We are almost through the year but need just a few last minute supplies.  Allergy season is getting the best of us.  We could use a few boxes of tissues.  We could also use some Lysol Wipes to wash away all those sneezy germs.

     Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  Let summer begin!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

National Apraxia Awareness Day

     Today, May 14th is National Apraxia Awareness Day.  To keep us informed, we were lucky enough to have a student share a story about Apraxia and she even made us all ribbons to wear.  It's fantastic when students can teach others (teachers included) things they know lots about.

Monday, May 12, 2014

This Week

     WOW!  The weather has really taken a turn.  It's been gorgeous out but the allergens are getting the best of some of us.  A lot of itchy eyes and sneezing today.  Tonight's homework was to get outside and soak up the sun.  You never know how long it will last.

     We finished reading Amber Brown and will start Muggie Maggie this week.  Maggie is a girl who refuses to learn cursive writing.  Let's see if she finally gives in.

     We started writing our biography reports today.  The plan is to finish them by Friday so we can practice reading them over the weekend.  Next week we will "dress up" and present our famous people to the class.



Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day and News

     Happy Mother's Day to all.  Hope your day is everything you imagine it can be.

     A school newsletter was sent home today.  After dismissal, I noticed not all children received theirs.  Please visit our class EDLINE page to log in and check it out.  The newsletter is listed under contents and titled Principal letter May 9.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May is Ehlers-Danlos Awareness Month

     To learn about this life threatening genetic disorder visit the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation.

      Tomorrow is Walking Wednesday.  Did you know that my class won it quite a few times last year?  It's true but this year NOTHING!!!  So get those sneakers ready and carpooling arrangements made and lets win this!

     We've been reading Amber Brown is Not a Crayon in class.  Amber's best friend, Justin, is moving away and she's not happy about it.  Worse still, they are now not speaking to each other.  I hope they work out their differences before he actually moves.

     We've been working really hard on math word problems.  Some children are struggling.  I've been encouraging them to really think about what the problem is asking and THINK if they answer they wrote makes any sense.  We will keep at it!

     Progress reports were supposed to go home THIS Friday but the date has been postponed until next week.

     This Friday is HAT DAY.  Funds raised will go to Children's Hospital.

     Biography notes are due on Monday.  Please let me know if you have any questions.