Tuesday, May 27, 2014


     Today the children had to write persuasive letters convincing me to stop homework packets for the year.  We had some very convincing arguments as to why it should end.  My favorite was, "you need a break from all the correcting".  That was an excellent point.  We shared letters and voted if each one was good enough to end packets.  Everyone's letter was convincing enough.  I reminded the students that DOES NOT mean there is no homework.  They are still expected to complete xtramath four times a week, unless they already completed subtraction.  They must also read every night.

     Thursday is litterless lunch day.  Let's all pitch in to help the environment by packing reusable water bottles, tupperware and lunch boxes.

     If you have not returned your child's field day permission slip, please do so ASAP.  Field day will be June 18, which will be here in a flash.

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