Thursday, August 28, 2014

Last week of summer

     Kids start school a week from TODAY.  Boy, does summer fly by quickly.  I'm sorry if I missed  you on Tuesday sneak peak into school day.  I was on vacation with the family trying to squeeze in as much fun as I could before school starts.  Today, I have to go to a workshop in the afternoon and then teachers "officially" start on Tuesday.  So my summer fun has just about ended, although there is still a long weekend ahead of me.

     I hope everyone has had a fantastic summer and is looking forward to second grade!!!!

Friday, August 15, 2014


     I admit it.  I don't like that word.  I REALLY like my summer care free life but all good things must come to an end.  And although I don't like 'work', I do love my job.  This week I have gone in every day to get things ready.  My kitchen table is overflowing with paper and my spare bedroom full of boxes.  Here are some pictures of the progress I've made.

     I've had a chance to meet some of the new Wyman staff..........fabulous people and we are lucky to have them on board.

    THIS is the most exciting school story I have so far.  There is a big window in the hallway outside of my classroom.  I noticed something stuck on the outside of it.  (OUTSIDE being the most important word of that sentence.)  Upon further investigation, it was a BAT.  Sound asleep in the  middle of the day on the window screen.  Here are some pictures.
From the inside looking out

From the outside looking in
     Miss Ginger our new, super awesome custodian took the outside picture.  I wasn't going to get that close.  Believe it or not, he was cute, about the size of a tennis ball.  Miss Ginger and I called him our pet and I named him Stellaluna.  If you haven't read that book yet, no worries we will this year.  The next day he was gone.  He must have found a darker, more appropriate place to sleep the day away.

      I'm off to school again this morning to cross more things off my to do list.  The weekend is supposed to be wonderful (and I've got Sox tickets) so I'll be back in my summer care free zone.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Happy Place

     For those who don't know, I'm a Red Sox fan.  To be honest, I'm more of a Fenway Park fan.  Sure I want the Red Sox to be great and actually win games BUT I'm more in love with going to games than actually watching.  Fenway is my happy place.  My son, Derek, was put on the season ticket wait list when he was born, he's nine now, and last year was his turn to buy!  We opted for a ten game pack because a whole season is just ridiculous, not to mention, not in a teacher's budget.  Ten games is the perfect amount for us.

      Well, when I was invited to WB Mason's trade show at Fenway I cheered.  The boys and I spent the day in the park.  To start our day, a very nice Boston Police officer working a NSTAR detail noticed I was looking for a parking space.  As someone was pulling out, he had a worker block the space with cones and as I circled back he said it was saved for me WHOO HOO.  We then headed to the park, walked the bases, sat up on the green monster, strolled through the EMC level where they have the Red Sox Hall of Fame filled with player plaques and past jerseys.  We said hi to Larry Lucchino as he passed us in the halls.  We had our pictures taken with Wally and the 3 World Series Trophies.  We even enjoyed a free Fenway Frank while sitting in the "red seat" in the bleachers where Ted Williams hit his famous home run.  Well, we did until staff came over the microphone and politely told us every tour is trying to point out the infamous seat and we are sitting in it so no one could see it.  So we waved to all the tours we could see throughout the park and moved our booties one seat over.  Click here to find the history of the red seat.

     In addition to all that fun, we had bags overflowing with giveaways and headed to Faneuil Hall to continue the fun with the rest of the family.

Here are some pictures of our day.
walking bases

green monster

Hall of Fame


Famous seat that we AREN'T sitting in 

WB joined our picture

     It was a great day!