Monday, December 22, 2014


  I'm super excited for winter break and I hope you are too.  Although I don't have big plans, it will be great to hang out with my family.

     Today we "played" in quite a few learning centers.
Sentence sort

wrote silly sentences

abc order

made plural
matched synonyms

mischievous fella

     We finished up reading Amber Brown is Not A Crayon.  Be sure to have your child tell you all about Amber and Justin.  Have them tell you about their class field trip to China as well.

     Tuesday is a half day and pajama day.  Dismissal will be at 12:30.  Your child may pack a fun party snack and we will have a little celebration during snack time.  FUN!!

     Thank you all for the class gift stuffed with my favorites!  I can't wait to get myself a new outfit and take Mr. Potamis out on a dinner date!  It was very generous of you!

     Best wishes for a fun holiday, wonderful break and New Year full of love and laughter!


Tuesday, December 16, 2014


     We had fun this past week with gingerbread.  We wrote stories about how we eat them and did an experiment on what would happen if a gingerbread man got wet.  The students were really excited about that.  Mrs. Connors let us borrow her collection of gingerbread books.  Ask your child to tell you about some of them.

     We practiced counting coins.  Please keep practicing at home.

      I missed the Winter Program on Friday but was told that it was fantastic.  In fact, I was told that this years show was the best yet.  I knew our class would steal the show after performing on Thursday for the school.  Those second grader sure can sing.  Their voices are beautiful. 

     Please contact me if you would like to make up your missed conference time. 

     This week will be jammed packed.  We will be writing about a time we spent with someone special, on Thursday we will shop at the school Holiday Workshop, and on Friday we will be walking to the movies.  What fun!

     Your child's school supplies are probably running low.  This time of year is a good time to replenish.  Glue sticks dry out, pencils have been sharpened to stubs, crayons break, folders rip and markers dry out.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


     Can you believe it's December already?   The first trimester has ended and report cards will be sent home next week.  It's important to remember that report cards have changed A LOT.  Grades are related to the Common Core Standards and reflect EVERYTHING that we will learn in second grade not just what was taught thus far.  It's impossible to master a skill that hasn't even been introduced yet.

     Most of you have already signed up for a conference.  Tues. is a half day for conferences and there are conferences on Thursday evening as well.  If you haven't set up a time yet and want to, just let me know. 

     The Wyman Holiday show will be next Friday, Dec. 12, at 9:00.  We have a lot of practicing to do before then but I don't doubt that we will be fantastic.

     On Monday, we had Wingmasters come into school with a show about birds and Native Americans.  It was awesome.  Check out these pictures.

     Have you heard the exciting news yet?  Our class won Walking Wednesday again!  WHOOOHOOO!!!