We had fun this past week with gingerbread. We wrote stories about how we eat them and did an experiment on what would happen if a gingerbread man got wet. The students were really excited about that. Mrs. Connors let us borrow her collection of gingerbread books. Ask your child to tell you about some of them.
We practiced counting coins. Please keep practicing at home.
I missed the Winter Program on Friday but was told that it was fantastic. In fact, I was told that this years show was the best yet. I knew our class would steal the show after performing on Thursday for the school. Those second grader sure can sing. Their voices are beautiful.
Please contact me if you would like to make up your missed conference time.
This week will be jammed packed. We will be writing about a time we spent with someone special, on Thursday we will shop at the school Holiday Workshop, and on Friday we will be walking to the movies. What fun!
Your child's school supplies are probably running low. This time of year is a good time to replenish. Glue sticks dry out, pencils have been sharpened to stubs, crayons break, folders rip and markers dry out.