Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Snow, Snow and More Snow

     I love snow and love all these snow days.  I'm sure, in June, I'll regret that I said that but snow days are FUN!  The down side to all these snow days is the lack of consistency in class.  Students started learning subtraction with regrouping, which is a pretty big deal in second grade.  I had hoped to get a LOT more practice in before February vacation but time hasn't been on our side.

     We started writing our animal reports.  Dioramas were due on Monday so I hope everyone has them in school tomorrow.  We will continue writing our reports but may have to wait until after vacation to present our projects.

     We read a biography on George Washington last week and wrote an expository paragraph about him.  This week we will do the same for Abraham Lincoln.

     Valentine's Day will be celebrated on Friday.  Thank goodness we started making our mailboxes.  Your child should bring in a valentine for each classmate, remember no candy, and a special snack for  themselves to eat during our after lunch party.

     Mark you calendars, Thursday, March 5th will be parent teacher conferences.  A note will be sent home tomorrow with the information about signing up.  Friday, March 6th, will be a half day.  It is the make up half day for the one we missed because of snow.

     Next week is February vacation!   I hope everyone enjoys and for those going away somewhere sunny, please sneak me into your suitcase.  I love snow but love tropical sunshine too!

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