Friday, March 4, 2016

March Madness

     It's hard to believe March is already here.  It should fly by if the weather forecast is correct.  Next week is supposed to be nice and warm.  Please keep in mind that although it may be 70 degrees outside it is still cool in the building.  It always seems warmer outside than in during the springtime. 

     Students have been working hard.  We are currently working on map skills.  We've read books about maps and the children drew a map of a room in their house.  They included windows, doors and furniture.  We are currently making a book about some of the "places" we live.....Woburn, Massachusetts, United States etc. 

     This week the PTO had a magician come and perform.  His show had a Dr. Seuss theme which was perfect for Read Across America.  The show was FANTASTIC.  It really was amazing.  I hope you heard all about it. 

     We have completed lots of different writing assignments throughout February.  Students worked really hard learning and writing about George Washington for the district wide assessment.  I was very proud of how well they did and more excited about how motivated they were to write. 

    St. Patrick's day is right around the corner.  I have a fun week of science experiments planned.  I'm really looking forward to it and I hope it's a huge success.  Stay tuned.

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