Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kevin Henkes and Spiders

     Last week we read quite a few Kevin Henkes books, made predictions and compared characters.  This week are are all about spiders.  We have learned so many spider facts and realized that we had some misconceptions about spiders.  We will read a fiction story or two about Anansi the spider later this week.  He's such a trickster.  Wait until you see what he does to his friends.

     Sentences need capitalization and punctuation.  We KNOW that, although forget quite a bit.  We have been identifying and sorting different sentence types and should be masters by now.  Students have also been solving math word problems like crazy.  They are tricky but we will not give up.

     Half of us are publishing our writing.  Which means it's been edited and they are copying it over to a neat sheet.  I haven't had a chance to meet with everyone yet but hopefully I will by the end of the week.  BUSY BUSY BUSY

     Monday the PTO treated us to an ANTI-BULLY magic show.  Very fun!!


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