Friday, January 27, 2017


This week has been lots of fun reading about Alexander.  There are lots of stories staring him and things just never seem to go his way.

In math, we started subtracting across zero.  This means tricky math problems like 200-164. The kids are totally rocking it.  Let's hope they keep up the hard work because this can be TRICKY.

I happy to report we have a new student.  He started Thursday with us from the Altavesta.  Luckily, he already knew a few students so is fitting in right away.

Our animal reports are moving right along.  Next Wednesday, the dioramas are due.  Hopefully we will have finished our final copy of our report and be ready to present.  Students really seem to be enjoying this project.

We have finished reading Amber Brown is Not a Crayon.  I just love this story.  Amber and Justin get in a fight but they work it out at the end. 

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