Saturday, September 23, 2017

We Love Emus

     This week's mentor text was Edward the Emu.  Our class loved Emu week.  Edward kept trying to be something he wasn't because he thought other animals were better.  Guess what?  He was wrong.  This is a super fun rhyming story that also introduces us to Edwina.  Edwina has her own book as well.  She learns what she really wants to be after trying to find the perfect job.

     We watched some videos and read a non-fiction text about emus as well.  Your child has lots of fun emu facts to share.

     Students have been reviewing nouns and proper sentence structure.

     To help us master our addition and subtraction facts, each child was sent home with log-in information for xtramath.  It is simply drill and practice, the faster and better your child gets, the more advanced the problems become.  Ideally, students will have completed both levels by the end of the year.  This will definitely happen if he/she plays at home.  

even and odd
subtraction practice

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