Friday, October 20, 2017


      This week we have been all about monsters!  We read two great books.  One was titled I Need My Monster and Hey, That's MY Monster by Amanda Noll.  The children loved these books.  Ethan cannot sleep without his scary monster under his bed.  When that monster leaves, Ethan is not happy with the substitutes. 

     We wrote and shared some really great stories about monsters under OUR beds.  As students shared them with the class, we wrote some positive comments on their work. 

     Our class has finished reading The Haunted Library.  Kaz and Claire solved the mystery.  Be sure to ask who the ghost was. 

     A special thanks to Woburn Fire for taking the time to teach us about fire safety.  Be sure to check your fire alarm batteries and find a safe meeting place outside in case of an emergency.

      REMINDER:  Progress reports are in your child's folder.  Be sure to sign it and return to school on Monday.   Next Wednesday is a half day and parent/teacher conferences are on Thursday night.

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