Monday, November 20, 2017

Where Does the Time Go?

     It's been too long since my last post.  My intentions are to blog every week but life keeps getting in the way..........busy, busy, busy.

     I'm thrilled to report that the students did an EXCELLENT job presenting their heritage projects.  I was very impressed with all the fun information the students shared. 

     We have been reading Turk and Runt in class.  I love this story.  It's about two very different turkey brothers and how they save each other's life.  Ask your child to tell you all about it. 

     We have also been reading Scaredy Squirrel stories.  He's the cutest little guy but he's afraid of EVERYTHING.  We are in the process of finishing our own Scaredy stories.  The fifth graders heard all about Scaredy from Ms. Elin and want to read our stories.  Hopefully they will be ready to share by Wednesday. 

     Mrs. W. came Friday with a Pete the Cat Thanksgiving story and a fun pine-cone turkey activity.  It was great. We love having mystery readers.  Please consider volunteering.

     Tomorrow is the big day, our Thanksgiving feast!  We made either Pilgrim or Native American hats/headbands today to wear.  I can't wait.  It is also black and orange day.  Try to wear something black and orange to show your Woburn pride. 

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with food, family and friends. 

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