Saturday, September 22, 2018

Math Fun

     This week we practiced our addition strategies.  I encourage you to practice math facts at home with your child.  Memorizing them will make math so much easier for many years to come.  Here are some of pictures of our math lessons.

Adding Nine
Even / Odd
      Our mentor text this week was the Invisible Boy.  Brian feels invisible in school, even to his teacher.  This changes when Justin moves in.  The illustrations in this book change as Brian's feelings change.  It's a great story and lead to wonderful discussions and role playing about being aware of others feelings and how our actions can effect others.

     We also read Frog and Toad stories and David books this week.  It's hard not to enjoy the characters in these stories.
     It's hard to believe that today is the first day of fall  We have so many fun units coming up.  In my opinion, October is one of the most fun school months.


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