Friday, November 30, 2018

Scaredy Squirrel

     This week was Scaredy Squirrel week. Scaredy is one of my favorite storybook characters.  He's afraid of everything.  He creates emergency plans that never work, plays dead, then realizes there is nothing to be afraid of.

     Students have started studying habitats.  We sorted living things from both a pond and rain forest habitat.  Next week we will explore desert and arctic habitats.

     We have been measuring and estimating measurements all week.   This week's focus was on inches, and feet.  We will be measuring in centimeters and meters soon.

     Today, I played the music for our holiday program for the first time in class.  The children have been practicing for weeks in music class, but I hadn't watched.   SUCH FUN.   The kids were having the best time singing and dancing.  It's going to be a spectacular program.

     Next Friday we will have a test on locating continents and oceans on a map.  A study guide will be sent home on Monday, so be sure to watch for it.

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