Monday, April 8, 2019

Jane Goodall

     This week's mentor text was Me......Jane, a story about Jane Goodall when she was young.  When I read aloud the story for the first time, I did not show the class any of the pictures.  On our second read through, I showed the illustrations and we talked how much pictures add to the meaning of the text.  We watched a video on Gorillas and made observation notes and pretended we were scientist, just like Jane.  

     We also started a little poetry unit.  This week, I asked the students to bring in a poem to share with the class.  It can be one the they find online, in a book or even one they write themselves.  Children have until Friday to bring in their poem. I have also invited our school staff to come in and read us a poem.  Mr. Z read a funny poem to us today about a twin that forgot his brother's birthday.   

     Students wrote all about things we did in March and completed a self portrait which is being saved for a special end of the year surprise.. They also wrote about their favorite book.  

    We are continuing to practice our addition and subtraction with regrouping.  I'd really like all students to have completed XTRAMATH addition by the end of vacation week.  Children will be required to log on each day this week in class.  Hopefully they will also log on during vacation.  It is a realistic goal.


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