Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day

     I hope everyone enjoyed being snowed in for a few days.  I did!  Although, I was ready to head back to school this morning.  We have a lot to do before Feb. vacation.  This week we will be presenting our animal projects to each other.  We will have the spelling test we missed on Friday, on Wednesday.  That gives us a day to review the words in class.  We will celebrate the 100th day of school with some fun writing assignments. And most importantly, we need to decorate our Valentine mailboxes for our party on Thursday.  As with our Halloween and Christmas parties, the children should bring in their OWN extra snack and drink for Valentine's Day.  They should also bring in Valentines to share with their classmates: 6 boys and 8 girls.  Don't forget Miss Dulong our high school helper.  She would make 9 girls.  The students made their own class lists last week but I will send another one home Tuesday to ensure no one is accidentally overlooked.  Please remember NO SWEETS are allowed to be passed around and shared.  So be sure your child's Valentines do not include any candies.

     Congratulations, it seems like my note home last week worked.  Most students are hitting the XTRAMATH hard and scores are rocketing.  Keep up the good work!  There are quite a few first graders that are already on subtraction.  At the rate everyone worked last week,  those first graders will have NOTHING on us!!!!!

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