Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Surprise

     I was treated with a little surprise today in school.  Mrs. Zotolli and two extremely handsome gentlemen (both of which I got to kiss) presented me with these certificates.
From the House of Representatives
from the State Senate

From the Woburn Business Association
     For my 20 years of service to the Woburn Public Schools.  I know what you are thinking...I am like just like Doogie Howser.   I must have started teaching at twelve to have 20 years in.  MAN, how time flies.  There was even gift card for me to spend-WHOO HOOO.  I told the students it was a million dollars.  Not sure they believed me.  It did make me feel like a million bucks!!  

     Remember, Wednesday is field day.  Wear your green shirts and sunscreen.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Home Stretch

     We are in the home stretch.  Congratulations parents, you have officially made it through 2nd grade homework.  We are done for the year and both you and your child seem to have come through with flying colors.  I know homework can be hard on EVERYONE and appreciate all the support and patience you've given you child this year.

     The children have been getting their daily writing assignment in a very unique way.  We have been scanning QR codes to learn what we need to write about.  Here's a picture of what I'm talking about.
writing assignment

      The school is also collecting change to help the Council of Social Concern.  This notice came home last week.
coin drive
      I started a mystery container today (recycled box from my travel tea cup).  If we have a GREAT day, we will read what fun activity is inside for us to do the following day.  We didn't get to open it today but if we have a fantastic start to the day tomorrow we will open it at 9AM and complete the activity.  I think everyone is excited to see what's inside.
mystery container

   Thursday is library.  I could be our last library class this year so remember to bring back those books.  Also keep in mind that Friday is field day.  Be sure your child is wearing their green Wyman shirts, have a water bottle and don't forget to apply sunscreen!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jack and the Beanstalk

     Today we had a group present the play Jack and the Beanstalk and WOW did they did they do a GREAT job.  Tomorrow the next group will perform.  I'm sure it will be just as entertaining and I'm looking forward to it.

     We also had extra recess.  We have earned our cafeteria "seat choice" back and also enough rays on our classroom sun to have extra recess.  Mrs. Zottoli took the children out for a quick game of kickball.

     Last night was a super cool night for me.  When Derek was born, his Godfather placed him on the Red Sox season ticket list.  Just shy of 8 years later, we got the call that he was first on the list and we could purchase tickets.  We didn't have very many options, being low man on the totem pole, and settled with 2 bleacher tickets to 10 games.  Three of which have already passed before the purchase. As time passes, we will be able to upgrade packages if we choose.  I was excited to be at the game and more so excited at the thought that this was the first night of a legacy that I can pass down for generations (hopefully).
View from our seats!!
  GO RED SOX!!!!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Cool Down and Half Day

     Thank goodness today we had change in temperature.  The building was hot this morning but I opened all the windows and let the cool morning air in and the building cooled right down.

     We have been listening to Charlotte's Web on CD since last week.  It's a good way to cool down and regroup after recess.

     We have been reading some really fun fractured fairy tales lately.  Last week we read a play of the Three Little Pigs as told by the Big Bad Wolf.  He's not really a bad guy.  He just needed sugar to make his dear sweet Granny a cake.  Today we read Little Red Riding Hood  but this one had a twist at the end.  That wolf could NOT get the best of Grandma.  There were some fantastic new vocabulary word in that story as well.  Loved it.

     It's birthday mania in class.  We have 5 birthdays this week and one (two if you include my Derek) next week.  That's a LOT of June babies.  Remember that tomorrow is a half day and dismissal will be at 12:30.

    We wake up four more Wednesdays!!!  But whose's counting????