Monday, June 3, 2013

Cool Down and Half Day

     Thank goodness today we had change in temperature.  The building was hot this morning but I opened all the windows and let the cool morning air in and the building cooled right down.

     We have been listening to Charlotte's Web on CD since last week.  It's a good way to cool down and regroup after recess.

     We have been reading some really fun fractured fairy tales lately.  Last week we read a play of the Three Little Pigs as told by the Big Bad Wolf.  He's not really a bad guy.  He just needed sugar to make his dear sweet Granny a cake.  Today we read Little Red Riding Hood  but this one had a twist at the end.  That wolf could NOT get the best of Grandma.  There were some fantastic new vocabulary word in that story as well.  Loved it.

     It's birthday mania in class.  We have 5 birthdays this week and one (two if you include my Derek) next week.  That's a LOT of June babies.  Remember that tomorrow is a half day and dismissal will be at 12:30.

    We wake up four more Wednesdays!!!  But whose's counting????



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