Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Guess My Number

     This afternoon we played Guess My Number with the class.  The kids really seemed to enjoy it.  It's just like Guess Who but with numbers.  Here's a picture of the game.  Later this week we will play in small groups with the number lines we created today.

      We started finding the missing addends (7+__=13).  This was tricky for some.  Hopefully this sorting game will help.

     Here are some other "games" we've been  playing.
noun sorting
long/short vowel sort

     Today we started writing postcards to our pen pals in South Carolina.  I have a friend who teaches second grade there and we exchanged letters last year.  It was a huge success so we are trying again.  We started the first draft of a postcard of ANYWHERE in Massachusetts.  We are trying to add as many descriptive words we can.  Hopefully they will be ready to mail by the end of the week.

     Some students from Ms. Cotter's class created and put on a puppet show staring Echo and Baby Echo.  It's was wonderful.  

     We started to listen to Junie B. Jones on cd.  Her voice is just adorable.  Ask your child about it.

     Thursday is picture day and Friday is the read-a-thon kickoff.  Wear your favorite pj's (again).  We will be having an all school assembly to motivate us.  The deadline for can good collecting has been extended.  I love the initiative that the high schools students took in this project.  I'm thinking that if our class can collect 30 MORE cans by Oct. 11th, we will have NO SPELLING TEST the following week.  How's that for incentive?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Full Swing

     We are in full swing.  I have so much to write about, that I just don't know where to begin.  This week is going to be crazy.  Tuesday is Election Day, because of this the students will have lunch in the classroom with a limited sandwich menu.  The students actually had to order their lunch this morning.  Wednesday is a half day.  Dismissal will be at 12:30 and lunch will be early.  Thursday from 6-8 is back to school night.  I hope to see everyone there.  Friday is pajama day.  For a $1 donation, students may wear their pj's to school (keep in mind that we will still be going out for recess).  The monies earned will be donated to help beat breast cancer.  We are collecting can goods until this Friday.  The cans will be used to make a fortress at the high school, then will be donated to Social Concern.  Two senior boys took on this inititive.  LOVE THAT!!!

     In the computer room today we first did xtramath, then visited this fun game-click here.  It was from the brainpop jr site (you do not need to log into the site).  We will check out some of their other games this week.  I have a link to that site on my sidebar.  Most of the children really enjoyed it.

     You'll notice that our homework was stepped up just a bit.  It still should be completed easily by your child independently (except maybe the bottom of the first page) let me know if you have problems.

     In writing we will be writing about our classmates using the 5W's to gather and organize our details.
     We will be reading Poppleton books all week.  In today's story, Poppleton ate grapefruit and his lips turned "outside in".  Some of the children have never tried grapefruit.  Consider picking some up for a taste next time you go shopping.

  I read My Brother Charlie to the class today.  Well............I attempted to read it.  I needed to have Miss Davis finish it for me.  It's a touching (not sad) story about Charlie who is autistic and how he relates to his family.  It's written beautifully and if you haven't heard by now I cried.  It won't be the last time.  I'm a softie, can't help it.  Happy endings-tears, sad stories-tears, sappy comercials-tears, Disney movies-tears, old-timers sitting at Fenway Park with scorecard and glove-tears (boy do I love seeing that).  I've ALWAYS been this way, it's just who I am.  The kids, of course, thought it was hysterical.  The good news is that they are super motivated to read the story again..........hmmmmm, I wonder why??

math soring game

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm in LOVE

     It's true!  I am in LOVE with this class.  They are wonderful.  I am one happy teacher.


     Thankfully today was nice in cool inside the building.  It would have been a GREAT beach day.

     We have been practicing our math facts in our math notebooks.  Practice some math fact drills while driving around town.........say  "double 4". 

one game we played

     The students brainstormed "what writers write" and we read this book by Cynthia Rylant.  It inspired us to write about a time we had a visit with our relatives.

     In the computer room we visted ABCYA.com and xtramath.  The children enjoyed ABCYA.  The link is listed to the right if your child wants to check it out at home.

     Our high school helper, Miss (Courtney) Davis, started this week.  She's fantastic.  We are so lucky to have her this year.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Harvey Leonard is saying there will be a heat index of 104 degrees tomorrow.  YIKES.  You child may bring in a water bottle to keep at his/her desk.  This is true year round but I especially think they may need it tomorrow.  STAY COOL

Thursday, September 5, 2013


     I think that this may be my best first day ever.  I am lucky to have 13 WONDERFUL children in my class.  We had a jam packed day.  We read one of my favorite books, First Day Jitters by Julie Danneburg.  I LOVE this book.  It's about a girl who DOES NOT want to start the first day at her new school.  The ending has a surprise twist.  Ask your child to tell you about it.  Here are some other things we did.

sorted math cards

looked for math in this picture

abc order

brainstormed about second graders
     We also wrote about how we felt about our first day on apple cores that we made.  I think the day was a huge success.  Hope your student agrees.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


     I'm ready, are you?  The desks are lined up, your name is written on your desk tag, our first book is ready to be read and our activities for the day are planned.  The only thing left for me to do is choose my first day of school outfit and get a good nights rest.  I'm counting on the jitter glitter to help me with that!  See you in the morning-whoop whoop!