Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Guess My Number

     This afternoon we played Guess My Number with the class.  The kids really seemed to enjoy it.  It's just like Guess Who but with numbers.  Here's a picture of the game.  Later this week we will play in small groups with the number lines we created today.

      We started finding the missing addends (7+__=13).  This was tricky for some.  Hopefully this sorting game will help.

     Here are some other "games" we've been  playing.
noun sorting
long/short vowel sort

     Today we started writing postcards to our pen pals in South Carolina.  I have a friend who teaches second grade there and we exchanged letters last year.  It was a huge success so we are trying again.  We started the first draft of a postcard of ANYWHERE in Massachusetts.  We are trying to add as many descriptive words we can.  Hopefully they will be ready to mail by the end of the week.

     Some students from Ms. Cotter's class created and put on a puppet show staring Echo and Baby Echo.  It's was wonderful.  

     We started to listen to Junie B. Jones on cd.  Her voice is just adorable.  Ask your child about it.

     Thursday is picture day and Friday is the read-a-thon kickoff.  Wear your favorite pj's (again).  We will be having an all school assembly to motivate us.  The deadline for can good collecting has been extended.  I love the initiative that the high schools students took in this project.  I'm thinking that if our class can collect 30 MORE cans by Oct. 11th, we will have NO SPELLING TEST the following week.  How's that for incentive?

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