Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Crazy Busy

     I'm not sure what's going on but we are CRAZY BUSY in second grade.  So busy that I have no pictures to share.  Our post cards are finished and ready to mail.  I just need to find time to address the envelope (yup, we are that busy).

     This week is our read-a-thon.  If you bring in a new or gently used book to be donated to different organizations, your child will get double reading points.  Friday is hat day (no donation required).  It's to celebrate the end of our read-a-thon.

     We've created a paper chain.  Each child who brings in a canned good gets to rip off a piece of the chain.  It started with 30 links and is now down to 19.  If we rip them all off, we'll have no spelling test the week of Columbus Day.  The kids are all gassed up about that!

     We read a book about Poor Puppy.  The children loved it.  Mrs. Elin REALLY loved it.  Me? It was okay.  I told the children I'd look for more Poor Puppy books at the library.

     Gym on Wednesday. :-)


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