Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pete The Cat

     We have been having lots of fun with Pete the Cat stories.  Pete is a groovy cat that likes to sing.  I love to sing too so I really enjoy reading his books.  We found a website with some Pete songs, videos and activities.  Click here to check that out.

     Monday we used IXL in the computer room.  Clearly the children used IXL in first grade because they all knew exactly what to do.  We are scheduled to use the computer room Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays 2-2:30.

     Today we read Daddy, Can I Have an Elephant?.   The main character asks for some crazy pets. The students brainstormed other ridiculous pet choices and wrote about one of them.

     The students got into groups to play two different games this week.  In one game, they had to work with a partner to find rhyming words.  In another, they had to put school related words into sentences.  I had to remind almost every one of them that sentences need to begin with a capital letter and end with punctuation.   They shouldn't need reminders much longer.

     I super excited to tell you about our two fabulous new helpers.  Miss Fahey will be in our room 45 minutes a day to help out with reading.......whoo hoo!  Miss Nicole (Wackrow) is a high school senior who will come for an hour before lunch to help our class as well.  I feel so lucky to have them both on our team.

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