Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Reading Challenge

     Monday kicked off our Reading Challenge fundraiser.  Mrs. Maloney had an assembly and read the whole school a wonderful story about characters in a book that come to life.  It was called Miss Smith's Incredible Storybook.  Children are asked to read every night and collect sponsor $ to donate to the school.  There are all sorts of activities this week to keep us motivated.  Today was READ ME DAY and students were encouraged to wear words on their clothing.  Wednesday is BRING IN A BOOK FOR SOCIAL CONCERN DAY.  Thursday is PJ DAY and Friday is PATRIOT or RED, WHITE AND BLUE DAY.

     Students have been loving science.  We are experts on solid, liquids and gasses.  We used a balance scale because all matter has mass.  We did an experiment where we put a paper towel into a bucket of water but it didn't get wet.  You can ask your child more about that.

     We did a little Horrible Harry writing.  I forgot the pictures so stay tuned.  We are also going to write a little Horrible Harry adventure of our own this week.

      You child need to know their addition and subtraction facts up to twenty off the top of their head. So while driving in their car ask what's 9+7.  Be sure they are doing extramath as well.  Math will be so much easier if they master those facts.

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