Monday, November 24, 2014

Fun Day

     Today was super fun.  I actually heard more than one student say it was the best day ever.  We started our day baking cornbread.  During recess we set up our desks into tables, put on our Native American headbands and invited Ms. Cotter's class over.  We shared what we were thankful for and feasted on grapes, apple juice and the best cornbread I've ever tasted.  It was delicious and super fun.  Hop over to Edline to check out some great photos.

     Mrs. Carabello visited our class and talked about respecting others.  We made this colorful contract to hang on our classroom door with "keys" to being a good friend.

     After lunch Mrs. Zwicker came to tell us all about her ancestor who was a Pilgrim and came to America on the Mayflower.  How cool is that?  She then brought enough supplies for each child to make an awesome Thanksgiving craft.  I don't want to ruin any surprises, so I'll just let you know that they had to dry therefore they didn't come home today.  We were so thankful to have a family member come and visit our class.  Haley thought it was pretty cool to.  Our door is always open it anyone is feeling inspired!!

     Remember that Wednesday is a half day with dismissal at 12:00.


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