Tuesday, November 18, 2014


     Kindness is OUR word!   It seemed like we needed a quick refresher of this.  I made it perfectly clear to everyone that KINDNESS is expected at all times.  We gave examples of how to handle situations where students are around someone not being kind and how being unkind can be really hurtful.  I've even asked Mrs. Carabello, our school councilor, to come chat with our class when she gets a chance.  It never hurts to follow-up with different sources.  I know the students 'got it' and I'm expecting nothing but kindness from here on out.

     We have continued with our Native American legends.  As a class, we are reading a book about Native Americans from different regions of the United States and writing notes on them.  So far we have finished the Northwestern and Southwestern tribes.  Ask you child if they can tell you a fact or two about them.

     We sponged painted leaves today for a beautiful keepsake that will be sent home next week and we made our Native American headdresses for our feast.  On Monday, we will bake cornbread, set a beautiful table and invite Ms. Cotter's class over for a 'feast'.  Apple juice, grapes and cornbread will be on our menu.  (Ms. Cotter's class is baking cornbread too)  It's always lots of fun.  Watch Edline next week for pictures.

     Ms. Cotter's class invited us to their Thanksgiving play yesterday.  WHOOO WHEEE did they do a fabulous job.  We wrote them letters afterward thanking them and shared what we enjoyed most about the production.

     In math, we will be starting money.  DREAD.  Yes I said it, teaching money is DREADFUL.  It seems students either have some experience with it and do fine or have none and struggle.   PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give your child opportunities to practice with money at home.  Students will be super successful if they have some experience.  By second grade, they should already be able to identify coins and know their worth.  We are ready to count it.  Empty out pockets and let them add up your change,  have them count out their piggy banks.  Encourage them to show you different way to make a dollar.  I thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.  (I'll be writing almost the same thing with telling time so be warned)

     Next Wednesday is a half day.  Dismissal will be at 12:00 and no lunch will be served.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs. Potamis,
    Thank you for reminding our children, of the importance, in showing kindness toward others.
