Friday, March 3, 2017

Back at it

      We have jumped back into the swing of things, after a nice summer-feeling vacation, with both feet.  We have been reading about both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.  We know lots of facts about both.  This is great because next week we need to write a biography for the district. 

      To help us prepare for this district writing assessment, we have combined both second grades and have been working on writing autobiographies with our special guest teacher..............Mrs. Maloney!!!!  They are coming along beautifully.  Her experience with Writers Workshop has helped us write fantastic leads.  I can't wait to read their finished products.

     Some students got REALLY rusty with subtraction.  We have practiced all week and will continue to do so until we work out all the kinks.

     The PTO has a trivia night planned.  I hope lots of grown-ups plan to attend.  It's a fun night that you won't want to miss.  


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