Wednesday, March 22, 2017

St. Patrick's Day

     Last week was filled with all sorts of St. Patrick's Day stories and activities.  We read That's What Leprechauns Do by Eve Bunting.  The three main characters of that story were very mischievous.  We also read Clever Tom and the Leprechaun by Linda Shute.  Tom ALMOST found the leprechaun's gold. 

     We had quite a few learning centers going last week.  We sorted common and proper nouns, sequenced numbers, found missing addends and told time to name a few. 

     This week we finished reading our chapter biograghy on Louis Braille.  Be sure to ask your child to tell you all about him.  We are also reading Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty.  Rosie is a little engineer who came close to giving up on her dreams.  Good thing great-great aunt Rose (AKA Rosie the Riveter) encouraged her to never give up.  It's a fun rhyming story that teaches a great lesson.

    Monday we did Yoga with Sharon Marrama.  She is also a published children's author and she gave us an autographed copy of her book The Boy With the Pink Socks.  Her yoga students are also published authors of a titled called What's in Your Pot?  Each pot is filled with things that make them happy.  We created our own version of this book that we will share soon.  Yoga was super fun and kid friendly.  I'd encourage you to check her out at

     We have some important dates coming up.  Next Tuesday, March 28 is parent teacher conferences.  Wednesday, March 29 is a half day of school.  Friday, April 7th is our Spring Showcase at Woburn High.  We will be walking to and from the high school so please keep that in mind when dressing your child that day.  We will be singing 2 songs with the Hurld School. 

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