Saturday, May 13, 2017

Poetry and Pigs

     We've had a really fun couple of weeks.  Students have been reading and writing poetry.  It's has been lots of fun.  Fourth grade has been working on poetry as well, so we invited them to join us in writing haikus.  They read some of their work to us and we showed them some of our poems.  Awesome!

     The Three Little Pigs has been our reading theme this week.  Our class read and charted numerous variations of this classic tale.  We still have more versions we haven't had a chance to get to yet.   Who knew there were so many?

     Students ROCKED their mountain test.  Can you find the Atlas Mountains on a map?  I could either but my whole class can now.

     I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day.  I'm actually not disappointed the weather will be soggy.  It just might get me off a sporting field for a change.  

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