Sunday, January 21, 2018


     It's been a while since my last post.  We are trying hard to get back into the swing of things but all these days off make it a bit tricky.

     We are pretty close to wrapping up our penguin fun.  We have read both fiction and non-fiction books about penguins.  We may be penguin experts.  Tacky has been the main character in many of our fiction read alouds.  He's "an odd bird but a nice bird to have around".  Tacky is nothing like his companions and he always seems to save the day.  I'm not sure which Tacky story is my favorite.  They are all so fun.  I think I like the cheerleading competition the best.  We also read a story titled, The Emperor's Cool Clothes.  It's very much like the story you know and love, except stars an emperor penguin.  Only cool people can he his fancy new duds.

     Mrs. Elin has been helping us write penguin reports.  They are almost done and coming along splendidly.  After this, students will be taking home instructions for their diorama projects.   Get ready and save a shoe box.  Remember this is a second grade project and does not need to be "museum quality".  It's supposed to be your child's work and fun.  Of course, he/she will need your help.

    Students have also been reading and learning about Martin Luther King, Jr.  I loved how their directed drawings came out.

     Money, money, money!  Who doesn't love money?  I will tell you, in my opinion, teaching it is not very fun, nightmare even.  Please,  play with money at home.  Students can group coins, sort coins by value, and add up change.  The more exposure the better.  This year I tried something new, hairy money.  It's working like a dream.  Each coin has "hair" which represents five cents.  For example, quarters have five strands of hair, dimes two strands, nickels one.  Students count the hair by fives and voila, they can easily count a handful of change.  It's brilliant!  Of course not always practical in the real world, but its a easy beginning step into the world of counting change.

     Remember to send in a half gallon milk container, cleaned with the top cut off.  We will use them to make our Valentine mailboxes.  Also, remember when buying valentines that candy cannot be shared.  I know many come with lollipops and sweet treats, be sure to skip those.

     Tuesday is a half day, please mark your calendars!

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