Friday, January 26, 2018


     We have been reading Anansi stories.  He's usually a tricky little spider and not very good to his friends.  Anansi pretended to be a talking melon, tricked his friends with a magic moss covered rock, and flooded his neighborhood with a magic stick, but he couldn't trick turtle when they went fishing.  In one tale though, Anansi was clever enough to get African stories from the Sun God. 

     All the students have picked an animal for their diorama.  I'm excited that some students picked animals that I don't know much about.  I love to learn new things.  As soon as the "writing" part is complete, please return it to school.  Don't get carried away.  Be sure your child's answers are second grade friendly.   One student already has passed hers in.  Next weeks homework will be to work on the projects.   We started talking today about habitats.  There are four major ones we will explore: forests, rain forests, deserts, and tundras.  We've only tackled deserts and rain forests so far.  Ask you child to tell you about them.

     Today was fun!  We spent the morning playing "games" involving telling time.  We should be experts by now.  If your student is still struggling, keep on practicing at home.

     Mrs. Chisholm's class came to hear our finished penguin reports!  Students worked hard on them and they came out great.  The fifth graders were impressed.

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