Sunday, February 4, 2018

Persuasive Writing

     This week we wrote a persuasive writing piece on our favorite season.  They came out GREAT.  I have to say, I'm really impressed by the quality of the students' writing.  No doubt it stems from their experiences last year with Writer's Workshop.  I love it.

     Animal written reports are due on Monday.  We will start putting our information into a report in class.  Diorama's are due on Friday.  We won't be presenting until the following week so if you need a few extra days to complete it, that's okay.  Just be sure it's ready to go Monday morning.  Each student will read their report and share their projects with the class.  We will spread this out over a couple of days.

     Next week's mentor text will be all about kindness.  I tell the student's often that kind is the only thing you HAVE to be at all times.  Our class will start a kindness board to celebrate the kind things we notice every day.

     I hope everyone is cheering for the Patriots today.  Jason isn't, but I love him anyway.  I'm ready if anything happens and Coach Belichick needs to put me in!!

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