Friday, February 9, 2018


      This week has been ALL ABOUT KINDNESS.  We started by watching a video, read aloud of a wonderful book titled Each Kindness.  It was not available at the library and I felt that this story couldn't wait.  It's about a girl who realizes the importance of being kind a little too late.  We have created two kindness books and started a kindness wall in the hall.  Mrs. J, the school counselor, visited on Monday and gave us a lesson on The Golden Rule and empathy.  She checked in again on Thursday to see how things were going.  We are making progress and will continue to emphasis the importance of being kind throughout the year. 

     Our dioramas look fantastic.  We have finished writing our reports and will start presenting next week.  This is a super exciting time in second grade.  Students are very proud of their work, as they should be. 

     In math, we have been learning about 2D shapes.  Have your student explain what a polygon is.  We have also started subtraction with regrouping.  Ask your child to explain this saying: More on the floor, go next door.

     This is the first year EVERY student got an A+ on their map quiz!  YIPPEE

     One more week until vacation. 

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