Thursday, October 25, 2012


     Well I did it.  I told you I would.  I messed up the gym day.  We had gym on Wednesday even though I wrote Friday on our homework packet.  I explained to the substitute gym teacher that if anyone was not wearing the right shoes it was my fault and everyone got to participate.  Sorry.   I do ALWAYS double check, it was just a matter of time.

     Exciting news, our winning classroom will be featured in the district newsletter for winning the Walking Wednesday trophy.  Keep your eye open for that.  It should be coming out shortly.

     Our Halloween party will be on Halloween.  Each child will bring home a decorated lunch bag to bring back on party day with their special snack and drink for the party.  This can be whatever you choose, but it is something just for your child, not for sharing.  This is in addition to their morning snack.  We will begin our party after lunch.  Don't forget to pack your child's costume for the parade at 1:45.  Please label your child costume and leave your axes, guns, swords etc. at home.  Also, have your child practice putting his/her costume on by themselves (an hopefully over their cloths).

     We are reading up a storm, lots of Halloween books.  After reading about Spookley, the square pumpkin that discovered it's good to be different, we made these different pumpkins (without scissors) and labeled them with adjectives to describe them.

     Don't forget to practice rhyming at home.  We did some this week and it wasn't pretty.

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