Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Unity Day

     This Wednesday is Unity Day.  A day to take a stand and unite against bullying.  We have been asked to wear orange to show our support to this worthy cause.
     This week we will be starting to read Frog and Toad stories.  There are many different stories in this series and they are fun.   Perhaps we'll even have time for a frog/toad craft.  We finished reading Amber Brown is Not a Crayon and will now move on to Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots, a Bailey School Kids book.  I'll do all the reading in this chapter book because I only have one copy.  It's a fun story about a class that thinks their new teacher is a vampire.  I have many different titles in the Bailey School Kids series and I'm hoping that they will be inspired to read more of them after this one.  It's always a class favorite.

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