Monday, November 19, 2012

Feast Day

     Today was our Thanksgiving feast.  We baked cornbread.  Set up our classroom for our guests (Ms. Cotters Class), wore our Native American headgear and dined with friends.  It was great fun.  I think everyone enjoyed it and the cornbread and grapes were delicious.  Thank you for sending in supplies on such short notice.  Thanksgiving just snuck up on us.

     I sure you've all heard the rumor by now and I admit it's true.  I teared up in class today.  The kids laughed at me because of it.  I warned the students I would.  We read The Rough Face Girl, a beautifully written Native American Cinderella story.  I've always been this way, I can't help it and I've learned to embrace it.  :-)  ......if you watch carefully you may find a tear or two at our Christmas day program.

     Today was the 50th day of school.  I can't believe it!  Remember that Wednesday is gym day and a half day.  Dismissal will be at 12:00 and no lunch will be served.  I wish you all the Happiest of Thanksgivings.


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