Monday, November 26, 2012

Starting New

     Thanksgiving is officially over, time to pack up fall and start CHRISTMAS.  YIKES.  Where does the time go? We have to start decorating our classroom for the holidays and winter.  If you are curious as to what school is like the month of December, just compound your child's holiday excitement by 13.  It sounds awful but it's actually FABULOUS. The pure joy and wonder is just FANTASTIC.

     The weatherman is calling for snow tomorrow which is PERFECT because we will be starting our science unit on weather as well.  I LOVE snow days snow.  I'm a weather junkie and check it a thousand times when they are predicting a storm.  I think a weather woman is what I'd be if I wasn't a teacher.

     Today in the computer lab we decorated houses with lights.  The children enjoyed it.  Click here for the link.  Check out the rest of the site also.  It's great.

   This week we will read Anansi and the Talking Melon.  It's a great story.  There are lots of different Anansi stories.  He's always a trickster.  I hope to get to the library to see if I can find some more stories to share.  I think we will start a new chapter book this week too.  I haven't decided which one yet.  Ask your child to let you know when we do.

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