Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Great Day

     We really had a great day today.  The children were working hard and were on task all day.  What a difference a day when everyone is on the same page makes.  We got so much done and had fun doing it.  Here are some highlights.  We measured our Souper Bowl chain.  It was 7 yards and 24 inches long.  We used the yard sticks we made to measure.  We estimated and then counted how many links on our chain-88 links.  How fabulous is that?  Mrs. Connolly will make sure that all the food items collected are delivered to a family in need and we thank her for all her work in coordinating this event.

     Last week the fifth grade had a reading day as part of a fundraiser for their class activities. As part of that, they came and read with us.  We all read a Cam Jansen book.  Today we met up with them again to read some more of our story.  It was a great success and enjoyed by all.  Mrs. Raposa and I are hoping to team up again before the year is through.

     We are telling time, so practice on an analog clock (the kind with a face and hands).  It's tricky if the students don't have experience because most of the clocks they see are digital.

     We have been reading about habitats and animal adaptations which coincide with our animal projects.  We will be turning our informational sheets, that have been completed, into paragraphs within the next week.  Be sure to work on your diorama.  Mrs. Cotter's class has completed theirs and they look great.    Here's a friendly reminder, this should be fun for your student and it's THEIR project.  Enjoy!!

     This week we've been reading stories about Big Anthony and Strega Nona by Tommie DePaola.  We have a few more yet to read and they've been fun.

     Report card go home on Friday and next Thursday, Feb. 7, from 2:45-4:45 is conferences.  I plan on sending home a form for time requests tomorrow.  Let me know if there is a particular time that works best for you and I will try to be as accommodating as I can.

     Today, all around, was great.  The children were well behaved, we got a lot of work done, I had a great/informative meeting with Mrs. Zottoli and Ms. Cotter. I received a nice note from a parent making me feel appreciated and I even had time to clean up my desk and brought lots of stuff home to sort (your child knows how much a cluttered desk freaks me out).  Here's to more days like today!!!!


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