Monday, January 7, 2013

Penguins & Half Day

     Good news.  Our new student did arrive today and EVERYONE was excited to see her.  We will be having a Tacky week.  Tacky meaning Tacky the Penguin.  He is the main character in a series of picture books by Helen Lester.  The children were cracking up today when I read the story aloud.  They LOVED the way Tacky greeted his companions (and the hunters) ask you child to tell you all about it.  They thought it was hysterical.  For homework, they have a mini report to write.  I told them to research ONE particular type of penguin so their illustrations would be different.  I wonder if the facts will be different as well?
     I found this website with links to a variety of snow related websites and apps.  I haven't had a chance to try them all but they sure look fun.  Click here to check them out.
     Remember, Friday is a half day and dismissal will be at 12:30.

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