Monday, April 29, 2013


     Today was sort of a sad awakening for me.  We had a super cool laser show.  The presenter did a little lesson on lasers and space, then we watched a fun laser show to music.  That is when I realized that I'm just not as cool as I thought.  The songs played were all songs I've heard before and every child knew all the words.  Guess what?  I knew maybe one word from the chorus of each song.  The others words.....I couldn't even figure out what in the world they were!!!  When did I turn into my mother?  YIKES

     Wednesday is WALKING WEDNESDAY.  Let's reclaim that trophy.

     The last day of school has been set, Wednesday, June 26.  YIKES again.  That is sooo late.  I hope we can make it  :-).

     The children picked out biographies from the library today.  That does not mean you are stuck with that person for your project.  Feel free to make any changes necessary.

     The newest member to our extended classroom family is due any second now.  Let's all wish good thoughts that BABY D arrives healthy and SOON!!!!!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Friday is Boston Day

     It seems like forever since I've blogged.  We have been super busy this week.  The children have been writing different types of poems as well as presenting poems to the class. They've made simile rainbows which are hanging in the hallway.  We each created a Make Way for Duckling scene and incorporated fractions into it (although we haven't had a chance to read the story yet-tomorrow!)

      We have also been preparing for our upcoming biography book report.  Yesterday, we read about George Washington and completed the report pages together (much like the animal reports).  Today we started Sacajawea.  While reading, the children have been taking notes. They are doing a fabulous job.  On Monday, I will send home the directions for the project.  I asked the students to start thinking of a famous "historical" person to read and write about.  Lady Gaga doesn't cut it.  When the projects are finished the children are encouraged to "dress up" like their character to present to the class.  This DOES NOT have to be anything elaborate.  Remember, it's all supposed to be fun!!!

     I'm exceptional excited to share the letter we wrote today.  Mrs. Danehy's father-in-law, a WWII Vet, is being honored along with other WWII Vets.  There will be a ceremony for them in our Nation's capital.  Part of which will include "mail call".  Friends and families were asked to write a secret letter to their loved ones for this special surprise.  I'm sure Mr. Robert Johnston will be SUPER surprised when he receives letters from classrooms across the city.  Such a wonderful tribute.  I tear up just thinking about it (my tears today in class were contagious-hee hee).  There were a few students who had something in their eye.

     Friday, the children at both the Hurld and Wyman School are welcome to wear their "Boston" best, maybe a Red Sox hat or Harvard sweatshirt.  Donations will be accepted to raise money in honor of 8 year old Marathon victim, Martin Richards.  Our hope is to reach out to Martin's school, The Neighborhood House Charter School in Dorchester and honor his memory.  WE ARE BOSTON STRONG.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


     Friday is Hat Day.  Bring in $1 to help fight MS and wear your hat all day!  Friday also starts April vacation. I hope the weather cooperates and everyone has a wonderful week!


Monday, April 8, 2013

Book Swap

     Tuesday is the last day to bring in books for the swap on Wednesday.  Each child can bring up to five gently used books to swap for different ones.

     We are reading tons of poems.  If you cannot find one at home for your child to present, no worries.  We have many poetry books in class your child can use.

     Today was the Red Sox home opener and what a BEAUTIFUL day for it.  I'm jealous that I wasn't there.  Although, it looks like tickets will be abundant this year so I'm sure that I'll get my share of Fenway time.

    Good luck to two of our star hockey players that will be skating at the Garden tonight.  Future Bruins?????   Maybe

     Remember to return you permission slip and $10 for our fieldtrip ASAP.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


   If you haven't heard yet.  I made a mistake.  It doesn't often happen so I'm just as surprised as you are.  I forgot to add the cost of the bus to the field trip permission slip sent home today.  So just wait a day and a new slip with the "real cost" will sent home.  It will just be a few dollars more.  SORRY

     This Friday is skate night.  The Wyman School is offering a free night of skating at the Joyce rink from 5-6.  Wyman children are welcome to attend, with an adult of course.  I LOVE to skate.  It's a little known fact that I had a SOLO in the Stoneham Figure Skating Club ice show when I was in Jr. High.  Not that long ago.  I was GOOD.  I could jump, spin and do all sorts of tricks.  I will also let you know this.  Skating is NOTHING like riding a bike.  So let your child know NOT to cut me off on the ice because even though I was once SUPERB, now I can barely stop.  I still love it though.  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You're Invited

Woburn Public Schools
Open to the public from surrounding communities

Prevention Specialist Cara Filler  from the Drive to Save Lives Tour
Attorney Richard L. Campbell  Be a Parent, Not a Pal social host liability law
Vincent Piro, Jr. & Mike Higgins  Woburn District Court H.E.A.T. Program

Cara is a compelling author, entrepreneur and North America’s leading youth motivational speaker on peer pressure, risk taking and traffic safety. With more than 1700 assemblies delivered, Cara has inspired over 2 million young lives around the world.  Visit for more information about Cara and her mission to save lives and prevent destructive decisions.
Richard Campbell and his law firm Campbell Campbell Edwards & Conroy created a multi-media program, Be A Parent, Not A Pal, to educate students, parents, teachers, and members of the community about the Social Host Law and to illustrate the legal consequences of allowing those under the age of 21 to possess alcoholic beverages. For over 10 years their firm has presented this program throughout the state of Massachusetts. Visit for more information.
Vincent Piro & Mike Higgins of Woburn District Court Probation collaborate with our local and surrounding police departments to address the continuing problem of heroin abuse in our communities. This task force educates parents about the extent of heroin use and abuse among young people in our community, often evolving from prescription pill abuse common among youth today.  Learn the facts!
Contact Loren Baccari WMHS School Adjustment Counselor for more questions 781 937-8210 x104 or

Field Trip

     Exciting news!  The second grade is going to the BIG APPLE CIRCUS in May.  Permission slips with all the information will be coming home soon so keep your eye out for it.

     We are reading ANOTHER Junie B. book.  They children were begging me to.  Some children even begged to bring ANOTHER one home to read.  I LOVE TEACHING.  I'm telling you, it doesn't get any more exciting than motivated children.

     We are anxiously awaiting our pen pal letters.  Hopefully they will come soon.  We are also studying fractions.

     April is poetry month.  We have started presenting poems in class.  This week we each found a poem, practiced reading it to six different listeners, and are presenting them to the class.  Each child must present at least one a week for the entire month of April. They can do more if time allows.  Next week, they will be responsible for finding their own poems.  A notice will be coming home with directions and helpful websites for finding poems.  We also have TONS of poetry resources in class.  Try one of these three for starters poetry4kids, giggle poetry, or pbskids.