Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Field Trip

     Exciting news!  The second grade is going to the BIG APPLE CIRCUS in May.  Permission slips with all the information will be coming home soon so keep your eye out for it.

     We are reading ANOTHER Junie B. book.  They children were begging me to.  Some children even begged to bring ANOTHER one home to read.  I LOVE TEACHING.  I'm telling you, it doesn't get any more exciting than motivated children.

     We are anxiously awaiting our pen pal letters.  Hopefully they will come soon.  We are also studying fractions.

     April is poetry month.  We have started presenting poems in class.  This week we each found a poem, practiced reading it to six different listeners, and are presenting them to the class.  Each child must present at least one a week for the entire month of April. They can do more if time allows.  Next week, they will be responsible for finding their own poems.  A notice will be coming home with directions and helpful websites for finding poems.  We also have TONS of poetry resources in class.  Try one of these three for starters poetry4kids, giggle poetry, or pbskids.


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