Tuesday, November 19, 2013


     This week we are reading stories about my favorite storybook character, Scaredy Squirrel.  Today we read the first story titled Scaredy Squirrel.  He's afraid of just about everything.  We then wrote about thing that scare us in our journals.  There will be more Scaredy adventure this week.
Someone brought in a squirrel..YIPPEE

     We also started a story Mrs. Connolly shared with us titled The Day the Crayons Quit.  Sooo funny.  Each color writes a letter to a little boy.  Apparently, red and yellow are not speaking to each other because they both think that they should be the color of the sun.  It's a super funny book.

     Speaking of letters, we got a very surprising letter from turkeys today.  That's right......turkeys.  They want us to persuade other to eat something else for Thanksgiving.  I guess they are sick of being chased and having to hide.  We started writing letters today convincing others to eat something else this holiday.  We also learned a few turkey facts this week.  Which helped with our writing.

     Tomorrow is a VERY exciting day for our second grade friends next door.  Our class is super excited to attend their performance of a Thanksgiving play they've been working hard on.  I don't doubt for a minute that it will be FANTASTIC.

     So much going on and little time to write.  Keep on the lookout for another post this week.  Let's hope time allows!!!


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