Monday, November 11, 2013

Three Day Weekends

     I think three days is just the right amount of time for a weekend.  It gives you time to have fun, be productive and rest up.  It makes it easy to start the week fresh.

     I have been slacking a little on my blog and I apologize for that.  As I say to the kids almost every morning "BUSY BUSY BUSY".  Term one ended on Friday.  I've spent wayyyyyy to much time working on report cards, which go home on Friday, and I THINK they are finally done.  I'll be able to review them in school tomorrow.

     We have been super productive in class.  We are studying pronouns and verbs.  We are working on the water cycle.  I told the class to notice what happens to the mirror in the bathroom after a hot shower.  CONDENSATION-water vapor turning back into water droplets-very exciting stuff.  Our math lessons are picking up, adding two digit numbers without regrouping-whoo hoo.  We are all using BOLD BEGINNINGS in our writing.    The students ROCK at this.  Best of all, we got postcards from our South Carolina pen pals.

     Here are some pictures to enjoy!
We wrote what we were thankful for (I threatened NO video games)

Created in art
Bold beginnings anchor chart.
More place value practice

     Reminder, Thursday is a half day. Dismissal will be at 12:30.  I will be having parent/teacher conferences then as well as on Thursday evening.  If you want a time slot and haven't signed up, you can do so here or contact me.

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