Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast

     Tomorrow we are inviting our 2nd grade neighbors over for a Thanksgiving feast.  We will bake corn bread, serve grapes and apple juice.  Last week we made Native American headdresses (or turkey hats) to wear on this joyous occasion.  A special thank you to a mom, who came in to help us.  She also helped us make ornaments to hang on the Woburn center Wyman tree for the Festival on the Common and read us a super cute Thanksgiving story.

     Last week the other second grade class put on a Thanksgiving play for us.  It was FANTASTIC.  They clearly put a lot of work into this production and it was just wonderful.  We wrote well thought out letters thanking them for inviting us.  We highlighted what we enjoyed most about the performance.  I was a quite impressed by our letters.

     Inspired by their play, we had our own little play.  We didn't actually act anything out but we did read parts from a script.  It was about cooperation.  The Thanksgiving dinner was arguing about who was most important to the meal.  We had so much fun, we read through it twice, switching our parts each time.  My part stayed the same.  I was Sparky.  I think I nailed my "woof, woof".

      We also read some Native American legends.  We learned a bit about the Native Americans that lived right here in Woburn.  Did you know that Horn Pond Mountain was called Mount Towanda by the Abergonian Indians that lived there?  The island in the pond was called Wabisi, which means swan, because of a Indian legend.

     Here are some other fun things we did.

We unscrambled sentences and added the proper punctuation.

We sorted fall fact/opinion sentences.
     We are still reading Scaredy Squirrel stories and playing comprehension games to go with them.  In one story, Scaredy finally made a friend.  Not the friend he tried to make, but still a friend.  In another, he got some much needed rest.

     Here are links for two YouTube videos we checked out School House Rock Pronouns and this fun one from Ohio State Marching Band.

     Remember, Wednesday is half day and dismissal will be at 12:00.  No lunch will be served.  I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.

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